2011年广告刊例 MEDIA KIT 2011
《达人志men's uno》杂志以与众不同,引领潮流的时尚品位,独树一 帜的风格,缔造出新一代男性时尚时装杂志的蓝本。《达人志men's uno》 杂志于2004年3月开始在中国内地发行,呈现出更加成熟、睿智的风格。 《达人志men's uno》杂志是以时装为主的男性生活杂志,丰富实用的内 容是《达人志men's uno》杂志与其他男性杂志的重要区别。《达人志men's uno》的内容涉及多项领域,包括时装、配饰、汽车、科技、美容、旅游以及 男性情感健康等。如果将《达人志men's uno》杂志比喻成一位男士,那他具 备以下的特征:时尚、感性而性感、智慧而不张扬、强壮且可以信任、享受 生活制造浪漫但并不等同于铺张和奢侈。《达人志men's uno》杂志在生活中 可以给读者足够的享受和帮助,同时也提供给读者精神方面温暖的依赖。 2011年,《达人志men's uno》杂志面向“都市轻熟男”人群,全方位地诠 释出一种时髦、优雅、低调、都市化的生活方式。“都市轻熟男”承袭了都市 型男一贯的生活态度,他们事业稳步上升,生活精致、有品位,敢于消费,但 他们更追求创新与突破,更具生活情致,他们是时尚消费的中坚力量。 “men’s uno China” has already established its status as the leading authority on men’s fashion and vogue in Mainland China since its launching in spring 2004. “men’s uno China” is now the deinitive voice speaking to men in China on sophisticated living. Apart from other men's magazines, “men’s uno China” is a magazine about men's fashion and lifestyle, its profound and practical content makes it the “must-have” for modern Chinese. it relates to fashion, accessories, automobile, technology, beauty, traveling as well as love and sentiment. Readers of “men’s uno China” are afluent, intelligent, sensitive and conident. it is our mission to advise our readers to improve life quality with passion and dedication. For 2011, “men’s uno China” interprets a fashionable, elegant, low key, urbanization lifestyle for the target readers of “Young mature”. They inherit metrosexual’s life attitude. Their careers improve steady. They have elegant life, good tastes and dare to consume but they prefer innovation and breakthrough. They are the backbone of fashion consumption. 简介FACT SHEET 刊物名称Name 《达人志men's uno》 类别Category 以潮流为主的男性杂志 Men's Lifestyle Magazine 创刊日期Date of Launch 2004年3月 March 2004 出版日期Publication Date 封面月份前一个月之25日出版 25th of the month preceding cover date 文字Language 简体中文Simpli?ed Chinese 零售价Retail Price 人民币20 元 RMB20 每月发行量Distribution 438,000 本 438,000 copies 出版Publisher 西藏新闻出版局 Tibet press and publication Bureau 刊号 Registration Number CN 541049GO 尺寸 Size 288mm (H) x 228mm (W) 纸质 Paper Type 封面: 200克进口铜版纸 Cover: 200 gsm Coated Art 内页: 90克铜版纸 Inside: 90 gsm Coated Art 2011年广告刊例1
核心目标读者 TARGET READERS 轻熟男(Young mature)是men's uno的核心读者群。 The target readers of men's uno China are those who are Young mature. ?具有良好的教育背景 Well-educated. ?具备高质量的物质生活基础 With good ?nancial background. ?引导时代消费观念, 注重个性化的生活,热衷于奢侈品消费。 Lead new consumption trends, focus on personal lifestyle and keen on luxury brands consumption. ?注重生活品质和积极向上的生活态度,有即时获得美好事物的浪漫欲望,对品牌有很好的认 知和忠诚度 Strong desire for high quality living, high loyalty to the brands. ?在工作中具有决策的能力,从个人消费、家庭消费到集体消费,他的品位将起到主导作用。 Opinion leaders & decision makers on personal and family consumption. ◆时装及配饰Fashion & Accessories 45% 搜罗顶级的时装品牌,全面介绍男装流行趋势,充分发挥时尚 创意灵感,详细介绍男装搭配中的各个细节。 In an attempt to present the emerging trend of menswear in every aspect, we bring with our readers the ?rst hand info of the hottest fashion brands and the vogue of the season in detail. ?流行资讯 Fashion ?时装摄影 Shooting ?配饰 Accessories ?T台直击 Runway ?时装话题 Fashion talk ?精品 Smart ◆生活及消费Lifestyle & Consumption 25% 通过丰富精美的画面和流行的角度,详尽介绍汽车、信息科 技、家居及旅游等消费信息。 Providing comprehensive news of Automobile, IT, Home Decor & Traveling in an appealing and chic point of view. ?消费Consumption ?生活Lifestyle ?手表Watch ?汽车Auto ?数码 Digital ?旅游 Travel ?美酒 Wine ?美食 Food 杂志内容及比例 EDITORIAL CONTENT & pROpORTION ◆健康及美容Health & Beauty 15% 从内而外指导男性消费者正确的保养和锻炼的方法。 Comprehensively deliver the proper messages on health and skin care methods. ?护肤话题 Beauty talk ?大片 Shooting ?香水 Perfume ?测试 Test ?健身 Fitness ?趋势 Trends ◆人物及话题People & Feature 15% 以优雅而有品位的形象包装,深刻而不失诙谐的文字剖析, 介绍成功人物、超级明星,深度报导读者感兴趣的生活方式 和生活态度。 Providing features on “Talks of the Town”, super idols as well as leading people in modish, humorous and unveiling presentations. ?封面人物 Cover guy ?专题 Feature ?人物 People ?访问 Interview ?女孩 Uno girl ?独家 Exclusive ?情感 Emotion ?职场 Career 内容来源Source of Content:本地Local 90% 国际International 10% 2011年广告刊例2
栏目设置 Column Set-up ?编辑推荐 Editor's Choice 时装为主,辅以时尚消费品。以编 辑的眼光来为消费者推荐最前沿的 时装动态,最时髦的随身装备以及 最新潮的服饰单品,全方位地展示 “都市轻熟男”的生活方式。 Basing on menswear and supplemented with fashion consumer goods. Editors will show the “Young mature” lifestyle by listing the latest fashion goods, equipments and accessories. 常规栏目 Common column ?流行资讯 Fashion 从新闻、新品、事件三个方面入手,把时尚圈的最新动态一网打尽 Round up the entire latest trend by News, Flash and Event. 动态 News 当季品牌国内外的各种新闻以及消费导势 或设计师动态。 Show the latest news, Consumption Tendency and Designer movement for the domestic and international brands. 新品 Flash 用编辑自己的观点来介绍当下品牌发布的 趋势或者新品,并加以评论。 Introduce and discuss the brand release for Tendency and flash from editors’ view. 事件 Event 以文图结合的方式,第一时间呈现品牌的 一些重大活动、事件。 Show the important event and incident by combining letters with the photos at the ?rst time. 2011年广告刊例3
?消费Consumption 以图片为主、文字为辅的表现形式,从产品、事件等 角度入手,展示最时髦的物件。 From the angle of products and events, showcase the most fashionable objects with most of pictures and less texts. 妆容Beauty 当季品牌发布的大小事件,正被发布的妆容、产品。 Events, incidents, makeup and products released by fashion brands of the season. 数码Digital 当下最受关注的数码产品或未来科技生活趋势。 The most attractive digital products or the future trend of technology life. 手表 Watch 最具潮流指数的手表发布或腕表工艺的最新研发成果。 The most fashionable watch and latest watch R & D achievements. 汽车 Auto 即将面世的汽车新品介绍或汽车品牌国内外的新闻事件 Introduction about new cars appearing on the market, or news about car brands at home and abroad. 美酒 Wine 酒行业的最新发布信息及国内外的顶级酒品介绍。 The latest information released by wine industry and description of top domestic and international wine. 2011年广告刊例4
?生活Lifestyle 以文字为主、图片配合的表现形式,从设计、展示、书 籍、电影等各个和潮流生活相关的方面入手,解读最时 尚、先锋的生活方式。 Use most of texts and less pictures to show the most fashionable and avant-garde lifestyle from the perspective of design, display, books, movies and related fashion. 设计 Design 建筑、酒店、展示等空间设计领域的最新动态。 Latest trends of buildings, hotels, exhibitions and other space design. 电影Movie 介绍一些影响或带动一种新的意识形态或生活方式的电影作品。 Introduce some in?uential ?lms which can lead a new ideology or lifestyle. 书籍 Book 新书发布、热门作家介绍及名人推荐最佳读本。 New published books, popular writers' introduction and the best book recommended by celebrities. 展示 Show 与艺术相关的展览、展示事件报导,及最新展览公布。 Art-related exhibitions, events reporting and latest announcement. 音乐Music 流行音乐领域具有话题或即将发布的作品分析及红人解读。 Controversial or new music analysis and celebrity interpretation. 城市City 国内外有时尚气息或艺术氛围的城市,追踪城市的潮流动态。 Fashionable or artistic city both domestic and abroad, tracking the trend of urban fashion. 2011年广告刊例5
时装及配饰 Fashion & Accessories ?时装摄影 Shooting 以东方面孔为主导,以图象为语言,描 述和记录流行的变迁,只言片语中,展 现当下的潮流。 Mainly use oriental faces to describe and record popular changes and transition, showing present fashion trend. 2011年广告刊例6
?配饰 Accessories 作为时装搭配的重要部分,在每年的3月、4月、9月、10月等重点月份,以静物组合与人物大片的方式展示 最新配饰的魅力。 As an important part of fashion coordination, newest accessories showing its charm through still life mix and fashion shooting on March, April, September, October and other key months of each year. 2011年广告刊例7
?T台直击 Runway 及时、准确、细致地报道纽 约、米兰、巴黎和东京男装 周的趋势,资讯快捷、点评 独到、形式丰富。 Timely, accurate, detailed reports about men's fashion week Trends of New York, Milan, Paris and Tokyo. ?时装话题 Fashion Talk 通过敏锐的时尚触觉、强大的分析能力、独一无二的时装资源,将时 尚热点话题与生活方式进行梳理、整合,并以专题形式呈现。 With a keen fashion sense, strong analytical ability, unique fashion resources, it integrates hot fashion topics with lifestyle as a feature. ?精品 Smart 当月最值得收纳的一款服 饰,从细节、搭配、起源等 各个角度提供全面细致的介 绍、搭配指导及单品罗列。 Introduce the most worthy dress to purchase and provide dress details and origins, dress coordination direction and pieces list. 2011年广告刊例8
?手表Watch 话题Topic: 用精美的图片、 精准的文字探索手表背后的 故事,追踪手表世家的渊 源,或者解析当季手表的最 潮资讯。 Explore behind story of watch family or analyze the most stylish watch information with beautiful pictures and accurate texts. ?汽车Auto 话题Topic:以文字为主的汽车话题,从不同角度表达汽车的设计、特性 和都市生活的时尚理念。 Mainly use texts to show vehicle designs and features, fashion philosophy of city life from different view. 试驾Test drive:针对一种车型邀请专家、明星参与试驾,谈谈感受;或 者是针对每季度的新车从专业的角度来进行比较,给出合理的评价。 Invite experts and stars to discuss test drive feelings for same model or give professional comparison and reasonable assessment for new cars of each quarter. 大片 Shooting:用明星或者名人演绎的方式,以大片拍摄的技法来展现 人、车结合的完美画面,赋予汽车全新的视点。 Use stars or celebrities shooting to present a perfect combination of persons and vehicles, giving a new viewpoint for vehicles. 测试 Test:每季度提炼出5到10款同一性能或者同一价位不同品牌的腕表,请专家、明星或 编辑从设计、工艺、性价比等各角度进行综合比较,给出最佳建议。 Select 5 to 10 watches with same performance or different brands with same prices, invite experts, stars or editors to give comprehensive comparison and best suggestion from design, technology, cost and other point of view. 2011年广告刊例9 生活及消费 Lifestyle & Consumption
?旅游 Travel 从一个时尚旅者的角度来触摸城市的灵 魂,挖掘城市风光背后的历史、文化及 潮流细节,文字配合图片娓娓道来。 From an aspect of a traveller, touch the urban soul, explore histories and cultures with texts and photos. 2011年广告刊例10 ?数码 Digital 大片Shooting:用 静物组合大片的形式 展现当季最潮、最先 进的电子产品,简单 的文字介绍产品的性 能,带出当下时髦的 生活方式。 Use still life shootings to show most advanced and fashionable electronic products, simple words to introduce products performance and indicate out the most stylish way of living. 测试 Test:提炼出当季最值得购买的同类数码产品,从外观、手感、性 能、技术等方面请专家给出综合评价与专业指导。 Select the most worthy digital products to purchase, invite experts to give comprehensive evaluation and professional guidance from appearance, feelings, performance and technology aspects.
?美食 Food 潮人、潮店,第一时间为你搜刮到最时髦的聚餐地点、最能触动 味蕾的新式菜品以及“都市轻熟男”们的私家菜谱。 Find the most fashionable restaurants and new delicious dishes as well as private recipe of “Young mature”. ?美酒 Wine 最新式的鸡尾酒调试、最耐人寻味的美酒品鉴或者是 最具特色的酒窖探访,用专题或者大片的形式进行整 合和梳理,全面解读它们背后的故事。 Integrate and sort out the stories of cocktail mixing, wine tasting and wine cellar in the form of features or shootings. 2011年广告刊例11
健康及美容 Health & Beauty ?护肤话题 Beauty talk 整合最新的护肤与美容理念,展现最 时尚的品牌资讯与最前沿的美容潮 流,并以人性化的方式引导读者认知 保养与健康的意识。 Integrate latest skin care and beauty concept, showing the most fashionable brand information and beauty trends, to improve readers’ awareness of beauty and health consumption. ?大片 Shooting 以人物拍摄的方式展示当下男士护 肤的潮流,或以静物组合的形式直 观、完美地展示当季主推的护肤、 香水产品。 Show men's skin care trend, and display promoting perfume and skin care products of the season in a way of portraits or still life shootings. 2011年广告刊例12
?香水 Perfume 当季最新的香水大片以及香水话题,引导读者正确选择香水,并探索香水背后耐人寻味的故事。 Use latest perfume shootings and topics of the season and advise readers to select correct perfumes and explore intriguing stories. ?测试 Test 针对一款或者多款新品,邀请美容专家、化妆师、编辑、热心读者或美 容品牌公关,进行为期28天的使用,记录下使用感受。 Invite beauty experts, make-up artists, editors, enthusiastic readers or beauty brand PR to write down 28-day usage experience for one or several new products. 2011年广告刊例13
?趋势 Trends 从每季T台发布的趋势中提炼最新元素,针对发型、肌肤、配饰 等“都市轻熟男”最关注的细节给出及时的综合分析。 Provide timely and rapid analysis aimed at hairstyle, skin-care and accessories “Young mature” most concerned learning from latest Runway elements quarterly. ?专栏 Column 专业的造型师或者品牌经理提出最新的美容话题,分享他们的 护肤心得,或是试用几款新品,对其做出客观评价。 New beauty topics put forward by professional stylist or a beauty brand manager, share their experience of skin care, or try several new products and give an objective assessment. ?健身 Fitness 用模特大片加细节示范的形式来展现时尚 的健身方式与健身理念,教给读者正确、 健康的生活方式。 Showing fashionable fitness ways and philosophy, and teach readers a proper healthy lifestyle by the way of model shootings and detail demonstration. 2011年广告刊例14
人物及话题 people & Feature ?封面人物 Cover guy 以发现新面孔为己任,以时髦、优雅、低调、都市化为导向,从形式及概念两 方面让封面呈现出独一无二的创意,把最具有men's uno气质和潜力的男人第 一时间呈现在封面中,以图文形式对话他们的时尚态度。 Explore new faces, committed to stylish, elegant, low-key, urbanization- oriented, showing a unique and creative cover, present the most potential and men's uno temperament on the cover at the ?rst time. ?专题 Feature 针对那些不为你所知却已被它影响到的、已经或即将成为热点的概念、事件、人物等进行深入 浅出的解析,以此倡导一种属于“都市轻熟男”的摩登、自我、低调、优雅的生活方式。 Analyse certain concepts, events and people, which the readers may not be awared of but in?uenced. Introduce a modern, egotistic, low-keyed and elegant way of living. 2011年广告刊例15
?人物 People 与时尚紧密联系的艺术家、导演、运动员、企业家等,通过 men's uno的镜头,呈现出独具一格的新面貌。 Interview with the artists, directors, athletes, entrepreneurs, who are close to fashion, and show a new stylized look from the view of men's uno. ?访问 Interview 他们是艺术或时装领域的重点人物,是设计师、品牌的CEO或品 牌代言人,他们对时尚、对生活有自己独特的观点和见解。 There are key persons, designers, brand CEOs and spokesmen in art or fashion realm, we let them speak out their unique thoughts and ideas. ?女孩 Uno girl 以欣赏女性美为出发点, 每期用摩登、精致、艺 术、浪漫的手法拍摄一个 当红的年轻女艺人,性感 不是噱头,女明星各种风 格的美以及时髦的影像才 是重点。 Photograph a certain popular young female star in each issue in a modern, refined, artistic, romantic approach. 2011年广告刊例16
?独家 Exclusive 整合丰富的时装资源,用独特的创意不断呈现当红艺人的独家时装之旅、著 名设计师的独家访问和拍摄,时尚艺术家的独家合作等。 Present an exclusive content about a trip of certain pop stars, or a famous designer's exclusive interview and co-operation with photography and fashion artists through rich resources integration and creative ideas. ?情感 Emotion 以敏锐的触角,解读“轻熟男”常需面对的情感困惑,用实 例结合专家分析,为读者找到抒解情绪的出口和解决问题的 方法。 Interpret“Young mature”emotional confusion with expert analysis and relieve readers’ emotions and problems. ?职场 Career 从风水、装饰、着装等非常规的角度,用轻松、调侃的手法 为“轻熟男”打造时尚、生动的办公室生活。 From the feng shui, decorating, clothing and other unconventional point of view, create a stylish, vivid office culture for“Young mature”in an easy and ridicule way. 2011年广告刊例17
?专栏 Column 给那些游走于时尚生活,或者在 时尚领域有一定代表性的新锐人 物一个表达所思所想的空间,以 他们的文字揭露未来的生活方式 及概念。 Provide a space for those new fashion icons to express their thoughts and ideas, and let their words reveal future lifestyle and concepts. ?事件 Event 图文并茂的形式,直观、生动地 再现品牌当季的新闻事件、新品 发布、推广活动,或是一些独家 的幕后花絮。 Vividly present latest brand news, product release, promotional activities, or some exclusive stories behind the scenes by combining photos, texts with notes. ?活动 Promotion 由men's uno发起、各品牌参 与,或由品牌发起、men's uno 参与的各种时尚事件、深度体验 之旅、品牌活动报导等。 A variety of fashion events and brand special reports initiated by Men's Uno and other brands involved, or brands initiated and men's uno involved. 2011年广告刊例18
读者分析 Readers Analysis 25~29岁 35.4% 35~39岁 7.5% ○ 年龄状况 Age 20~24岁 21.6% 30~34岁 28.8% 40~45岁 6.7% ○ 行业分布 Business ○ 职位状况 Profession 21.8% IT/通讯行业(高级经理/主管) IT/Telecommunication 外企制造业(高级经理/主管等) Foreign Manufacturing Enterprise 其他 Others 金融(高级经理/主管等) Financial 新闻媒体/广告/公关(主持人/播音员/记者/编辑等) News Media/Advertising/PR 演艺圈/娱乐圈/艺术圈/(经纪人/导演/演员/模特等) Art/Entertainment 奢侈品公司(名表洋酒服装及其他品牌公司等) Luxury Company(Watch,Wine,Fashion and Others) 13.5% 9.8% 12.9% 10.3% 16.7% 8.7% 6.3% 高档商业(高级经理/主管) High-end Commercial 董事长/总裁或副总裁/企业主管/企业合伙人 Chairman/President/Entrepreneur 总经理/副总经理 GM/Deputy GM 首席执行官/首席信息官/技术主管 CEO/CIO/Technical Supervisor 高级经理/主管/总监 Senior Manager/Supervisor/Director 艺术类设计师(建筑/工艺/造型等) Art Designer(Construction/Art) 主持人/播音员/记者/编辑 Host/Radio DJ/Reporter/Editor 经纪人/导演/演员/模特 Agent/Movie Director/Actor/Model 专业人士(律师/医生/注册会计师等) Professionals(Lawyer/Doctor/Accountant) 自由职业者/SOHO Freelancer/SOHO 其他 Others 5.0% 5.7% 3.0% 25.3% 13.5% 13.6% 6.3% 4.1% 11% 12.5% 2011年广告刊例19 ○ 学历状况 Education Background 高中/中专或同等学历 High School 大学 College/University 硕士及以上 Master Degree and above 83.4% 8.6%8.4%
○ 收入状况 Monthly Income○ 婚姻状况 Marriage Status 单身Single 66.7% 已婚married 30.2% 同居Cohabitation 3.1% 4001~5000RMB5001~7000RMB 7001~10000RMB 27.1% 10000RMB and above 45.0% 12.4%15.5% 发行 DISTRIBUTION 全国发行: 每期438,000本 Distribution in PRC: 438,000 copies per issue 北京 Beijing 95,000 昆明 Kunming 4,850 上海 Shanghai 88,000 西安 Xian 5,200 广州 Guangzhou 35,000 天津 Tianjin 4,600 深圳 Shenzhen 26,000 济南 Jinan 3,900 成都 Chengdu 14,000 福州 Fuzhou 3,900 大连 Dalian 13,500 郑州 Zhengzhou 2,900 重庆 Chongqing 7,500 长春 Changchun 2,900 杭州 Hangzhou 13,000 合肥 Hefei 2,900 南京 Nanjing 8,000 香港 Hong Kong 2,900 沈阳 Shenyang 7,500 南昌 Nanchang 2,900 长沙 Changsha 6,400 石家庄 Shijiazhuang 2,900 太原 Taiyuan 5,500 厦门 Xiamen 3,500 青岛 Qingdao 5,800 海口 Haikou 2,000 哈尔滨 Harbin 5,400 贵阳 Guiyang 1,750 武汉 Wuhan 5,200 乌鲁木齐 Urumchi 1,750 ○ 订阅Subscription 34,550 ○ 宣传活动用赠刊Complimentary copies for Marketing Events 4,000 ○ 赠刊免费陈列于北京、上海、广州三地的高档酒吧、餐厅及机场休息室 13,800 Free copies distributed at airport lounges, bars and restaurants in Beijing, Shanghai & Guangzhou. 2011年广告刊例20
发行渠道 DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL 书报亭及零售摊点Newsstands 69% 超市Supermarkets 10% 机场和酒店大堂Airports and Hotel Lobbies 6% 邮局Post Of?ces 8% 书店Bookstores 7% 2011年《达人志men’s uno》广告价格 men’s uno China Advertising Rate 2011 封面拉页(内拉4P)Inside Front Cover Gatefold (4 Pages) RMB 785,000 第一跨页1st DPS RMB 390,000 第二跨页2nd DPS RMB 340,000 第三跨页3rd DPS RMB 320,000 目录前跨页DPS Before Content Page RMB 290,000 卷首语Full Page Facing Chief Editor's Note RMB 180,000 版权页 Full Page Facing Credits RMB 170,000 花絮 Full Page Facing Behind the Scene RMB 160,000 目录页Full Page Facing Content Page RMB 150,000 编辑推荐页Full Page Facing Editor's View RMB 140,000 第一正文前跨页1st DPS Before Editorial RMB 280,000 第二正文前跨页2nd DPS Before Editorial RMB 260,000 第三正文前跨页3rd DPS Before Editorial RMB 245,000 封三跨页Inside Back Cover DPS RMB 275,000 封底Outside Back Cover RMB 375,000 杂志全页 Full Page ROP RMB 120,000 杂志跨页DPS ROP RMB 220,000 杂志半版 Half Page ROP RMB 69,000 杂志1/3版1/3 Page ROP RMB 54,000 内页软文Advertorial per Page RMB 89,000 夹带广告 Insertion RMB1.00/copy ○ 异形广告可根据客户的要求策划多种形式,价格面议。 Advertising rate for special creative will be provided upon request. (客户提供物料,规格不得过大过厚;Insertion provided by clients, insertion size should be con?rmed) 2011年广告刊例21
别册标准报价 Advertising Rate –Supplement 封面拉页 Front Cover Gatefold RMB 230,000 第一跨页1st DPS RMB 200,000 第二跨页2nd DPS RMB 175,000 目录页Full Page Facing Content Page RMB 105,000 封三Inside Back Cover RMB 95,000 封底Outside Back Cover RMB 185,000 跨页DPS ROP (不超过5个品牌 within 5 brands) RMB 138,500 杂志全页Full Page ROP (不超过5页 within 5 pages) RMB 83,000 ○ 出版月份 Publication Month: 7及12月 July & December ○ 别册不低于64页,别册与正刊纸张、开本相同,发行渠道与正刊同步。 Not less than 64 pages for the Watch Supplements. The book size, paper type and distribution channel are same as that of our Main Book. 出版周期 Publication Period 出版日期 Publication Date 封面月份前一月之25号出版 25th of the preceding month 合同截止日期 Booking Deadline 出版前80天 80 days prior to publication date 广告物料截止日期 Material Deadline 出版前20天 20 days prior to publication date 广告物料要求 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 广告物料Advertising Material : 由客户提供广告物料CD光盘及打样 Delivered by advertiser on CD-Rom with colour proof ○印刷尺寸Trimmed Size 全页Full Page:288mm (H) x 228mm (W) 跨页DPS:288mm (H) x 456mm (W) ○出血位Bleed Size 全页Full Page:294mm (H) x 234mm (W) 跨页DPS:294mm (H) x 462mm (W) ○图片色彩模式Picture Color Mode CMYK ○图片分辨率Picture Size (Pixel) 300 dpi ○网线Screen Line 175 ○档案格式File Format AI File/TIF File ○档案大小File Size 每版广告不少于50M Not less than 50M for each single page., 附注REMARKS: ○指定广告版面须缴付15%附加费。15% surcharge for speci?ed positions. ○所有特别位置之广告,签署合同后均不可取消。其他位置之广告合同签署后如有任何变动,请于出版日前50天内以书面形 式通知,否则须缴付合同金额50%作为违约金。 No cancellation on booking of any prime position. For other positions, any amendment on the signed contract must be made in writing 50 days prior to publication date; otherwise a 50% penalty will be charged. 2011年广告刊例22
2009年隆重推出的《PERFECT TIME达人志·时计》是一本极具触感和质感的腕表珠宝杂志。以完全专 业的视角,辅以成熟的完美视觉,完整体现现实钟表业的创意无限和巧夺天工。2011年将会以双月刊的形式 呈现给读者更多更新的资讯内容。《PERFECT TIME达人志·时计》并非一本新创刊的手表杂志,2004年3月 《men's uno China》创刊之际,《PERFECT TIME达人志·时计》即以手表别册的形式出现,随着市场的发展 及需求,《PERFECT TIME达人志·时计》发展为一本专业的腕表珠宝杂志,最终发展成为一本双月刊。它也 许是目前国内发行量最大的一本腕表珠宝杂志。 PERFECT TIME was launched in 2009. It is a professional Watch and Jewelry magazine. We present you with a good sense of tactility and high quality of production. In 2010,Perfect Time will be published every three months and we will present more updated information.PERFECT TIME is not a new launching watch magazine, it entered the market as the Watch Supplements in March 2004 of“men’s uno China”launching time. With the development and demand of the market, PERFECT TIME becomes a professional Watch and Jewelry magazine and will be published every two months. It may be the Watch and Jewelry magazine which have the biggest volume of circulation at home now. 定位: Positioning: ? 1.钟表珠宝的专业性 ? 1. Professionalism on Watch and Jewelry ? 2.强烈的视觉效果 ? 2. Strong sense of vision ? 3.人文精神轰然呈现 ? 3. Humanism Spirit ? 4.专业的编辑人员和美术制作团队 ? 4. Professional editorial and graphic design group 发行渠道Distribution Channel: ? 随同men's uno正刊全国发行 Along with men's uno China 438,000份,占85% ? 北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、成都、大连、青岛、南京、武汉、太原、沈阳、长春,哈尔滨等城市的 机场,俱乐部会所,五星级酒店,高级健身俱乐部等场所直投,共计4万册。 Direct Delivers to airports, clubs, five-star hotels and fitness and spa in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Dalian, Qingdao, Nanjing, Wuhan, Taiyuan, Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin. Total 40,000 copies. 《PERFECT TIME达人志·时计》专业腕表珠宝杂志 2011年广告刊例23
2011年广告刊例24 ?资讯 News 关注国内国际钟表界的发展动向,从新闻、新品、实事入 手,随时报道业界最新动态。 Pay close attention to the tendency of watch ?eld home and abroad,report the latest movement from News, Flash and Event. ?趋势Trends 根据新一年表款的发布预测两大表展及全球钟表品牌的发展 趋势。 Forecast the two watch exhibitions and brands development trends based on the release of newest watch. ?话题Topic 结合品牌当下的热点、趋势进行梳理、综合、归 纳,以专题的形式呈现。 Summarise, synthesize and sum up the hot spot and tendency to show with feature form. ?精选 The Best 由本刊编辑严格甄选出最具代表性的新款腕表, 推荐给读者。 Select the most representational new watch by our editor to recommend for the readers.
2011年广告刊例25 ?人物People 针对腕表与人物之间关系的访问,他们也许是钟表品 牌的高层、制表设计师、钟表收藏家,也许是资深表 评人、明星艺人等。 In view of the interview between watch and people, they are maybe the brands policy maker, designer, collector, senior critic and stars etc.. ?视觉Vision 以正装组、时装组和静物组三个部分为 主题,拍摄风格各异的腕表大片。 Shooting different watch photos with three themes of suits, fashion and still life. ?典藏Limits And Collection 搜集经典或限量表款,为钟表收藏家提供最 值得收藏的珍品时计。 Provid the informations of the most valuable watch for the collectors by gathering classical and limited edition watch. ?珠宝Jewelry 网罗国际最新发布的珠宝产品,实时关注明 星与珠宝间的最新动向。 Round up the latest released jewelry and focus on the newest tendency between celebrities and jewelry.
封面拉页(内拉4P)Inside Front Cover Gatefold (4 Pages) RMB 785,000 第一跨页1st DPS RMB 390,000 第二跨页2nd DPS RMB 340,000 第三跨页3rd DPS RMB 320,000 目录前跨页DPS Before Content Page RMB 290,000 卷首语Full Page Facing Chief Editor's Note RMB 180,000 版权页 Full Page Facing Credits RMB 170,000 花絮 Full Page Facing Behind the Scene RMB 160,000 ? 广告尺寸Magazine Size:288*228mm ? 杂志用纸Paper Type: 封面: 200克进口铜版纸 Cover: 200 gsm Coated Art 内页: 105克铜版纸 Inside: 105 gsm Coated Art ? 广告物料要求Material Requirement:同men's uno正刊 Same as men's uno China ? 出版月份Publication Month:2月、4月、6月、8月、10月和12月 February, April, June, August, October and December issue ? 杂志页码:最低页码208页 Minimum Pages: 208 pages ? 内容Content:男装表65%,女装表20%,珠宝15% Male Watch 65%, Female Watch 20%, Jewelry 15% ? 广告客户可以索要直投名录,men's uno提供可供参考部分,包括城市、具体投放位置,但 不提供具体联络信息。 Some Information will be provided upon the request of clients such as cities, speci?c locations, not including detailed contact information. 目录页Full Page Facing Content Page RMB 150,000 编辑推荐页Full Page Facing Editor's View RMB 140,000 第一正文前跨页1st DPS Before Editorial RMB 280,000 第二正文前跨页2nd DPS Before Editorial RMB 260,000 第三正文前跨页3rd DPS Before Editorial RMB 245,000 封三跨页Inside Back Cover DPS RMB 275,000 封底Outside Back Cover RMB 375,000 杂志全页 Full Page ROP RMB 120,000 杂志跨页DPS ROP RMB 220,000 杂志半版 Half Page ROP RMB 69,000 杂志1/3版1/3 Page ROP RMB 54,000 内页软文Advertorial per Page RMB 89,000 夹带广告 Insertion RMB 1.00/copy 2011年《PERFECT TiME》广告价格 Perfect Time Advertising Rate 2011 2011年广告刊例26