MEDIAKIT 媒体资料2011
简介 Overview 《服装店》杂志创刊于2006年,经过5年多的市场洗礼和行业积累,已经成为中国服装行业极具阅读 性及商业参考价值的专业期刊。《服装店》专注于品牌管理和零售经营,为国内外服装品牌商、零售 商、渠道商和供应商,构建了一个资讯与商机互动的立体化媒体平台。 《服装店》杂志专业的编辑经营团队,联合业内最优秀的经营管理者和服装上下游战略合作伙伴,构 成了一个强大的编辑顾问委员会;通过平面媒体、线上媒体及线下活动等多种传播渠道,为品牌及零 售经营者带来最具商业价值的品牌资讯、经营案例和供应链产品报道。 我们始终坚持内容及服务的专业性、市场性和权威性;《服装店》数十万的活跃读者群中,包括了中 国服装行业数以万计的企业主、总经理、市场营销总监、设计总监、采购总监等主要决策人,确保了 我们对于整个产业价值链的深度挖掘,从而最大程度上满足客户直接或间接的商业利益。 With 5 years of business development and marketing efforts, The Fashion Shop is one of the most important media of the China’s fashion industry. The Fashion Shop is a multi-media platform for the fashion brands, retailers, distribution channel and suppliers. The editorial team of The Fashion Shop work together with the outstanding editorial advisory board being comprised of professionals of branding, retailing, marketing in this industry, brings most valuable contents and information through print, online and interpersonal media. We emphasize on the business spirit of specialty, commerciality and reliability since our foundation. The Fashion Shop has a instant access to more than 100,000 of active audience, 50% of them are the most in? uential people in the industry, such as business owners, CEOs, directors of marketing, designers and sourcing, etc. The high quality readership ensure us to bring our clients unparalleled business solutions and services. 1 THE FASHION SHOP media kit 服装品牌商、零售商、渠道商和供应商互动的立 体化媒体平台。 A multi-media platform for the fashion brands, retailers, distribution channel and suppliers.
按类别分* 仅针对数据库中服装企业部分 BY SECTOR* only for the fashion companies 男装 Menswear 男女装综合 Mens & Womens 女装 Womenswear 运动休闲 Casual and Sportswear 童装 Kidswear 其它 Other 按职位分 By job title 企业主/总经理 Business owner/CEO 营销/设计/采购总监 Directors of Marketing/Design/Sourcing 经理/店长 Managers/Shop managers 设计师/终端形象经理 Designers /VM managers 其它 Other 读者分析 Readership Analysis 《服装店》杂志拥有超过350,000的读者,包括服装品牌商、代理商、零售商、渠道商等。 The Fashion Shop is read by over 350,000 of fashion brand companies, brand licensees, retailers and department stores, etc. 发行量*:110,817 Circulation*: 110,817 36%为零售商、代理商及私营店主; 28%为服装品牌商和批发商; 15%为渠道商(百货公司、商场); 13%为各类供应商(如管理咨询公司、公关广告公司、空间设计公司、及相关零售配套公司等) 36% of The Fashion Shop’ audience is independent retailers/Franchisees/Private Shops 28% of The Fashion Shop’ audience is fashion brands/wholesalers 15% of The Fashion Shop’ audience is Distributors(Department Stores/Shopping Malls) 13% of The Fashion Shop’ audience is Suppliers(Consultant/ PR/agency/Props/Deco/Logistic) 2 THE FASHION SHOP media kit 大部分《服装店》读者将《服装店》杂志作为他们获取行业信息和经营 管理讯息最为重要的行业媒体之一。 The majority of The Fashion Shop’ readers regard The Fashion Shop as their most important industry publications in their off ce. * 按2010年11月份发行数量统计 Circulation data statistics by Dec, 2011 40% 23% 20% 20% 16% 28% 21% 4% 11% 12% 5%
品牌管理Brand Management 和成功服装企业的深度互动,以商业视角向服装品牌企业的管理经营层提供国内外服装行 业的热点新闻报道、市场发展分析、精英人物专访、优秀企业案例分析、零售模式解析等 内容,为企业的发展战略决策、经营管理实务及市场执行提供有力的商业参考。 Interview with successful companies, hot stories reports, marketing research analysis, VIP feature, case studies, etc. We bring the useful reference of company strategy, management and marketing activities. 零售经营 Retail Operation 关注服装品牌零售终端的一切,无论是百货商场、奥特莱斯,还是品牌专卖店、多品牌精 品店或街边小店。《服装店》编辑记者深入终端,挖掘店铺空间设计和陈列、店铺实务、 零售技巧、最新配套道具等一切可以帮助品牌提升市场份额及单店业绩内容。 Everything about fashion retail business. We talk with the CEO and managers of whatever department stores, shopping malls, outlets, multi-brand shops or mono-brand shops, about the store design, visual merchandise, shop management, sale skills, props, etc. The only target of this section is on sales revenue and market share. 城市指南 City Survey 快速城市化的历史进程和渠道为王的时代,《服装店》突破行业媒体的传统编辑思路,站 在服装行业的角度看各个城市的商业环境、行业格局和消费潜力。我们将走进中国数百个 最具消费力和综合实力的城市,为服装品牌带来最具实战价值的拓展指南。 Everybody in the fashion business believes that Channel is the king. That’s the reason for the birth of this section. Our editors and correspondents will bring to your desk the precise and exclusive information of the cities, including environment analysis, market potential and consumption behavior studies. 内容版块 Contents & categories 3 THE FASHION SHOP media kit A B C
4 THE FASHION SHOP media kit 中国知名服装品牌地图(品牌地图) 《服装店》团队于2006年在业内首创,其新颖的表现手法和精确详实的品牌数据,引起业内强烈反响,当 年发行超过10万份,之后两次加印;于2008年、2010年出版更新版,备受广大行业人士青睐。 品牌地图录入中国市场上最为活跃的近1000个品牌的详细信息,成为代理商和商场全面了解中国服装品 牌情况的一个独特的媒体产品。 China’s Famous Fashion Brand Map (Brand Map ) The Brand Map was exclusively created by The Fashion Shop since 2006. 100,000 copies were released for the f rst publication, and then re-printed twice within 1 year. In 2008 and 2010, we republished the revised version of the Map. The contents of the Map includes the detailed information of more than 1000 fashion brands in China, which help the franchisees and retailers better understand Chinese fashion industry. 《百城千店》中国服装零售终端之商场名录 庞大的内需市场成就了中国服装品牌的快速崛起,汇聚了数亿最具消费力人群的各级城市,无疑是国内 外服装品牌眼中的大的蛋糕。《百城千店》收录100多个中国城市的1000多个重点商场,内容涉及当地消 费状况、商场定位、代表品牌等实用信息,是品牌商快速了解中国商场的重要工具书。 China’s Department Store Directory The China’s huge market potential for fashion business ensure the rapid growth of Chinese fashion companies in recent years. The hundreds of cities is undoubtedly the big cake for Chinese and international fashion brands. The Directory contains the information of more than 1000 department stores and shopping malls in nearly 100 important cities in China. It is a very useful handbook for the fashion companies that want to develop China’s market. 服装品牌中国拓市指南·城市系列 《服装店》杂志扎根终端六年,300多个信息员厚积薄发,将于2011年重磅推出强势产品——Back toChina 城市指南,将每个涉及城市的商业环境、商圈格局、消费情况等重要信息一一呈现。如果说《百 城千店》是前菜,那么“Back toChina 城市指南”就是主菜。 Back To China-CITY SURVEY With the effort of more than 300 researchers working for 5 years in hundreds of Chinese cities, we will launch the project-Back to China-City Survey since 2011. We will bring the business information of each city in our list, including industrial situation, market analysis, consumption reports, etc. 《服装店》杂志系列产品 The Fashion Shop Product Family
5 THE FASHION SHOP media kit 圆桌会议 ● 时尚沙龙 ● 专题论坛 ● 跨界派对 中国服装行业保持了近20年的高速发展,在企业规模不断壮大的同时,中国本土的经营管理人员无论在管理经验 还是经营能力方面亦趋于国际化水平。 Chinese local fashion market has been developing with a very high speed for nearly 20 years. The operation experience and management ability of Chinese fashion companies are at the same level with their international peer. 然而越来越多的专业人士面对海量的行业信息已经应接不暇,甚至产生抗拒心理。同服装业内人士频繁互动的 《服装店》经营团队深刻了解这一行业普遍现象给广大读者和客户带来的困扰,始终坚持“少即是多”的信息生 产原则,而为特定客户群定制个性化的产品和服务。 Professionals are facing excessive information provided by various media. That is too much for them. Our team knows this situation and the trouble brought to our readers and clients. We make this as our principle - “less is more”. We deliver tailored and exclusive events to our clients every moments when there’s any person-to-person networking opportunities. 事实证明,面对面的人际沟通是高端客户互动最有效方式,同时也是BtoB商业利益链实现的最短距离。基于高品 质的行业人脉资源和数据库,我们不断的为客户带来圆桌会议、时尚沙龙、专题论坛、跨界派对等线下活动,实 现不同客户之间的紧密互动,并协助客户扩大有效商业人脉圈。 It is proved that the face-to-face communication the most effective method among top management of different companies and ensure the shortest way to their business benefits. One the basis of our high-quality networking and database in the fashion business, we bring our clients together in the occasion of round-table meetings, topic seminars, industry parties, and even cocktail salons. 线下活动 Business Activities & PR Events
广告形式及价格 Advertisement Rates & Positions 广告刊例价 AD Rates 普通内页 Full Page ¥35,000 内页跨版 DPS ¥60,000 1/2内页 1/2Page ¥20,000 1/3内页 1/3Page ¥15,000 特殊版面 Special Position 封面拉页 Front Cover Gatefold ¥90,000 封二 Inside Front Cover ¥50,000 扉页 Front Page ¥50,000 版权旁页 Full Page Facing Master Head ¥45,000 目录旁页 Full Page Facing Table of Content ¥45,000 封三旁页 Full Page Inside Back Cover ¥45,000 封三 Inside Back Cover ¥45,000 封底 Back Cover ¥60,000 专刊赞助 Sponsorshop for products 内页 Full Page ¥50,000 封面 Cover ¥80,000 腰封 Bellyband ¥65,000 封底 Back Cover ¥60,000 [人民币:元 Unit:CNY] 6 THE FASHION SHOP media kit
广告规格须知 Specifications & Requirements 7 THE FASHION SHOP media kit 整版尺寸 Full page 成品尺寸:205毫米(宽)×275毫米(高) 出血尺寸:211毫米(宽)×281毫米(高) Trimmed Size: 205mm(Width)×275mm(Height) Trimmed Size: 211mm(Width)×281mm(Height) 半版尺寸 1/2 Page vertical 成品尺寸:100毫米(宽)×275毫米(高) 出血尺寸:106毫米(宽)×281毫米(高) Trimmed Size: 100mm(Width)×275mm(Height) Bleed Size: 106mm(Width)×281mm(Height) 1/3版尺寸 1/3 Page vertical 成品尺寸:70毫米(宽)×275毫米(高) 出血尺寸:76毫米(宽)×281毫米(高) Trimmed Size: 70mm(Width)×275mm(Height) Bleed Size: 76mm(Width)×281mm(Height) 跨版尺寸DPS 成品尺寸:410毫米(宽)×275毫米(高) 出血尺寸:416毫米(宽)×281毫米(高) Trimmed Size: 410mm(Width)×275mm(Height) Bleed Size: 416mm(Width)×281mm(Height) 出血要求:每边各加3毫米 3mm bleed on all sides 要求提供CMYK色 Must be CMYK 图片清晰,无分层 Fatten Image, No Layers 分辨率大于300dpi ≥300 dpi resolution 所有图片链接完整及文字字体必须完全置入 All images, links and fonts must be embedded 出版日期:每月1日 Booking deadlines: 1st on every month 广告图文或菲林截止日期每月15日 Advertising Material Close Date: 15th of every month