CCTV International (CCTV-9) is the English-language 24-hour news channel of China Central Television, China磗 largest national TV network. Launched on September 25, 2000, CCTV International is dedicated to reporting news and information to its global audience, with a special focus on China. With a team of experienced and committed journalists, CCTV International is China磗 contribution to greater diversity and more perspective in the global information flow.
With its new lineup starting May 3rd, 2004, CCTV International increased coverage of world events, in addition to its focus on China. CCTV International emphasizes a Chinese perspective while striving to give a more balanced picture of the world.
CCTV International covers the globe via six satellites. Its programs can now be seen by 45 million subscribers outside China. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, CCTV International provides viewers with a host of news and feature programs.
电视台:中央电视台 发行量:-- 受众群体:所有人 中央电视台广告报价,中央电视台广告价格明细表,中央电视台广告刊例,中央电视台广告折扣,中央电视台广告覆盖人群,中央电视台广告代理,中央电视台广告投放疑问解答
广告投放热线: 010-85590199,13910027984 传真:010-85868940 地址:北京市朝阳区十里堡甲3号都会国际A座22层